![]() |
Soft-body Physics Simulation
Namespaces | |
App | |
ChatSystem | |
GUI | |
TObj | |
Data Structures | |
class | Actor |
Softbody object; can be anything from soda can to a space shuttle Constructed from a truck definition file, see https://docs.rigsofrods.org/vehicle-creation/fileformat-truck/ To spawn in-game, use MSG_SIM_SPAWN_ACTOR_REQUESTED , see GameContext::PushMessage() , in AngelScript use game.pushMessage(); Gameplay states are described by enum ActorState . More... | |
struct | ActorLinkingRequest |
Estabilishing a physics linkage between 2 actors modifies a global linkage table and triggers immediate update of every actor's linkage tables, so it has to be done sequentially on main thread. More... | |
class | ActorManager |
Builds and manages softbody actors (physics on background thread, networking) More... | |
struct | ActorModifyRequest |
struct | ActorSB |
class | ActorSpawner |
Processes a RigDef::Document (parsed from 'truck' file format) into a simulated gameplay object (Actor). More... | |
struct | ActorSpawnRequest |
struct | AddonPartConflict |
< Conflict between two addonparts tweaking the same element More... | |
class | AddonPartUtility |
NOTE: Modcache processes this format directly using RoR::GenericDocument , see RoR::CacheSystem::FillAddonPartDetailInfo() More... | |
struct | AeroDashOverlay |
class | AeroEngine |
struct | AeroEngineOverlay |
struct | AeroEngineSB |
struct | AeroSwitchOverlay |
struct | AeroTrimOverlay |
class | Airbrake |
struct | AirbrakeGfx |
struct | AirbrakeSB |
class | Airfoil |
Represents an airfoil http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airfoil. More... | |
class | AngelScriptExamples |
class | AppContext |
Central setup and event handler for input/windowing/rendering. More... | |
struct | AuthorInfo |
struct | authorinfo_t |
class | Autopilot |
struct | beam_simple_t |
struct | beam_t |
Simulation: An edge in the softbody structure. More... | |
struct | BeamGfx |
Visuals of softbody beam (beam_t struct); Partially updated along with SimBuffer. More... | |
class | Buoyance |
struct | CabSubmesh |
Submesh for old-style actor body (the "cab") More... | |
struct | CabTexcoord |
Texture coordinates for old-style actor body (the "cab") More... | |
class | CacheEntry |
struct | CacheQuery |
struct | CacheQueryResult |
class | CacheSystem |
A content database MOTIVATION: RoR users usually have A LOT of content installed. More... | |
class | CameraManager |
class | Character |
class | CharacterFactory |
class | CmdKeyArray |
For backwards compatibility of the 'triggers' feature, the commandkey array must support negative indices of any size without breaking memory. More... | |
class | CmdKeyInertia |
Designed to be run in physics loop (2khz) More... | |
class | CmdKeyInertiaConfig |
Loads and manages 'inertia_models.cfg'. More... | |
struct | collcab_rate_t |
struct | collision_box_t |
struct | collision_mesh_t |
Records which collision triangles belong to which mesh. More... | |
struct | collision_tri_t |
class | Collisions |
struct | command_t |
struct | commandbeam_state_t |
struct | commandbeam_t |
struct | CommandKeySB |
class | ConfigFile |
Adds direct parsing of custom types. More... | |
class | Console |
Global game console backend. More... | |
class | ConsoleCmd |
Base (abstract) console command. More... | |
class | ContentManager |
struct | CParticle |
class | CReadonlyScriptArrayView |
class | CReadonlyScriptDictView |
struct | CreateProjectRequest |
Creates subdirectory in 'My Games\Rigs of Rods\projects', pre-populates it with files and adds modcache entry. More... | |
class | CSHA1 |
struct | CurlFailInfo |
struct | CurlTaskContext |
class | CVar |
Quake-style console variable, defined in RoR.cfg or crated via Console UI and scripts. More... | |
class | DashBoard |
class | DashBoardManager |
struct | dashData_t |
union | dataContainer_t |
class | Differential |
struct | DifferentialData |
class | DiscordRpc |
Wrapper class, just for code consistency with other subsystems. More... | |
class | DustPool |
class | Engine |
A land vehicle engine + transmission. More... | |
struct | event_trigger_t |
struct | eventsource_t |
< Scripting More... | |
struct | Exhaust |
struct | flare_t |
struct | FlareMaterial |
class | Flexable |
class | FlexAirfoil |
class | FlexBody |
Flexbody = A deformable mesh; updated on CPU every frame, then uploaded to video memory. More... | |
struct | FlexBodyCacheData |
class | FlexBodyFileIO |
Enables saving and loading flexbodies from/to binary file. More... | |
struct | FlexBodyRecordHeader |
class | FlexFactory |
class | FlexMesh |
class | FlexMeshWheel |
Consists of static mesh, representing the rim, and dynamic mesh, representing the tire. More... | |
class | FlexObj |
A visual mesh, forming a chassis for softbody actor At most one instance is created per actor. More... | |
class | ForceFeedback |
struct | FreeForce |
Global force affecting particular (base) node of particular (base) actor; added ad-hoc by scripts. More... | |
struct | FreeForceRequest |
Common for ADD and MODIFY requests; tailored for use with AngelScript thru GameScript::pushMessage() . More... | |
class | GameContext |
Central game state manager. More... | |
struct | GameContextSB |
class | GameScript |
Proxy class that can be called by script functions. More... | |
struct | GenericDocContext |
struct | GenericDocument |
class | GfxActor |
struct | GfxCharacter |
class | GfxEnvmap |
A dynamic environment probe; Creates a cubemap with realtime reflections around specified point. More... | |
class | GfxScene |
Provides a 3D graphical representation of the simulation Idea: simulation runs at it's own constant rate, scene updates and rendering run asynchronously. More... | |
struct | ground_model_t |
Surface friction properties. More... | |
class | GUIManager |
struct | hook_t |
class | HydraxWater |
struct | hydrobeam_t |
struct | ImTextFeeder |
Helper for drawing multiline wrapped & colored text. More... | |
class | InputEngine |
Manages controller configuration, evaluates input events. More... | |
struct | InputEvent |
class | IWater |
< TODO: Mixed gfx+physics (waves) - must be separated ~ only_a_ptr, 02/2018 More... | |
class | Landusemap |
class | LanguageEngine |
struct | LoadScriptRequest |
struct | Localizer |
class | LocalStorage |
A class that allows scripts to store data persistently. More... | |
struct | Locator_t |
struct | Message |
Unified game event system - all requests and state changes are reported using a message. More... | |
struct | ModifyProjectRequest |
class | MovableText |
struct | NetCharacterMsgAttach |
struct | NetCharacterMsgGeneric |
struct | NetCharacterMsgPos |
struct | NetRecvPacket |
struct | NetSendPacket |
class | Network |
struct | node_simple_t |
struct | node_t |
Physics: A vertex in the softbody structure. More... | |
struct | NodeGfx |
Gfx attributes/state of a softbody node. More... | |
struct | NodeSB |
struct | ODefAnimation |
struct | ODefCollisionBox |
struct | ODefCollisionMesh |
struct | ODefDocument |
class | ODefParser |
struct | ODefParticleSys |
struct | ODefPointLight |
struct | ODefSpotlight |
struct | ODefTexPrint |
struct | OTCDocument |
Rembember OGRE coordinates are {X = right/left, Y = up/down, Z = front/back}. More... | |
struct | OTCLayer |
struct | OTCPage |
class | OTCParser |
class | OutGauge |
class | OverlayWrapper |
struct | PeerOptionsRequest |
struct | PerVehicleCameraContext |
class | PointColDetector |
class | ProceduralManager |
struct | ProceduralObject |
struct | ProceduralPoint |
class | ProceduralRoad |
struct | Prop |
A mesh attached to vehicle frame via 3 nodes. More... | |
struct | PropAnim |
struct | PropAnimKeySB |
struct | PropAnimKeyState |
User input state for animated props with 'source:event'. More... | |
struct | PSSM_Shadows_Data |
class | RaceSystem |
struct | RailGroup |
A series of RailSegment-s for SlideNode to slide along. Can be closed in a loop. More... | |
struct | RailSegment |
A single beam in a chain. More... | |
class | Renderdash |
'renderdash' is a name of a classic Render-To-Texture animated material with gauges and other dashboard info. More... | |
class | RepairMode |
Interactive recovery and repair mode, operates on player vehicle Formerly 'advanced repair' or 'interactive reset'. More... | |
class | Replay |
struct | ropable_t |
struct | rope_t |
struct | rotator_t |
class | SceneMouse |
class | Screwprop |
struct | ScrewpropSB |
struct | ScriptCallbackArgs |
class | ScriptEngine |
This class represents the angelscript scripting interface. More... | |
struct | ScriptEventArgs |
Args for eventCallbackEx() queued via MSG_SIM_SCRIPT_EVENT_TRIGGERED See descriptions at enum RoR::scriptEvents . More... | |
struct | ScriptUnit |
Represents a loaded script and all associated resources/handles. More... | |
class | ShadowManager |
struct | shock_t |
class | SimpleInertia |
Designed to be run on main/rendering loop (FPS) More... | |
class | Skidmark |
class | SkidmarkConfig |
< Skidmark config file parser and data container More... | |
struct | SkinDocument |
class | SkinParser |
class | SkyXManager |
class | SlideNode |
class | Sound |
class | SoundManager |
class | SoundScriptInstance |
class | SoundScriptManager |
class | SoundScriptTemplate |
struct | soundsource_t |
class | Str |
Wrapper for classic c-string (local buffer) Refresher: strlen() excludes '\0' terminator; strncat() Appends '\0' terminator. More... | |
struct | SurveyMapEntity |
class | SurveyMapTextureCreator |
class | Task |
/brief Handle for a task executed by ThreadPool More... | |
class | Terrain |
class | TerrainEditor |
Minimalist editor mode; orig. More... | |
class | TerrainEditorObject |
Represents an instance of static terrain object (.ODEF file format) More... | |
class | TerrainGeometryManager |
this class handles all interactions with the Ogre Terrain system More... | |
class | TerrainObjectManager |
struct | Terrn2Author |
struct | Terrn2Document |
class | Terrn2Parser |
struct | Terrn2Telepoint |
< Teleport drop location More... | |
class | ThreadPool |
Facilitates execution of (small) tasks on separate threads. More... | |
struct | tie_t |
struct | TObjDocument |
struct | TObjEntry |
struct | TObjGrass |
Unified 'grass' and 'grass2'. More... | |
class | TObjParser |
struct | TObjTree |
struct | TObjVehicle |
struct | Token |
class | TorqueCurve |
This class loads and processes a torque curve for a vehicle. More... | |
class | TransferCase |
struct | TuneupDef |
Dual purpose: More... | |
struct | TuneupFlexbodyTweak |
< Data of 'addonpart_tweak_flexbody <flexbody ID> <offsetX> <offsetY> <offsetZ> <rotX> <rotY> <rotZ> <meshName>' More... | |
struct | TuneupManagedMatTweak |
< Data of 'addonpart_tweak_managedmaterial <name> <type> <media1> <media2> [<media3>]' More... | |
struct | TuneupNodeTweak |
< Data of 'addonpart_tweak_node <nodenum> <posX> <posY> <posZ>' More... | |
struct | TuneupPropTweak |
< Data of 'addonpart_tweak_prop <prop ID> <offsetX> <offsetY> <offsetZ> <rotX> <rotY> <rotZ> <media1> <media2>' More... | |
class | TuneupUtil |
struct | TuneupWheelTweak |
< Data of 'addonpart_tweak_wheel <wheel ID> <media1> <media2> <side flag> <tire radius> <rim radius>' More... | |
class | Turbojet |
class | TurbojetVisual |
class | Turboprop |
class | TyrePressure |
Land vehicle feat Simulates tyre pressurization by adjusting springness of in-wheel beams. More... | |
struct | UiPresetEntry |
struct | UniqueCommandKeyPair |
UI helper for displaying command control keys to user. More... | |
class | VehicleAI |
struct | VideoCamera |
An Ogre::Camera mounted on the actor and rendering into either in-scene texture or external window. More... | |
class | Water |
struct | wheel_t |
struct | wheeldetacher_t |
struct | WheelGfx |
struct | wing_t |
class | World2ScreenConverter |
< Keeps data close for faster access. More... | |
Functions | |
void | HandleGenericException (const std::string &from, BitMask_t flags) |
void | HandleMsgQueueException (MsgType from) |
void | Log (const char *msg) |
The ultimate, application-wide logging function. Adds a line (any length) in 'RoR.log' file. More... | |
void | LogFormat (const char *format,...) |
Improved logging utility. Uses fixed 2Kb buffer. More... | |
std::string | ToLocalizedString (SimGearboxMode e) |
std::string | ToLocalizedString (GfxFlaresMode e) |
std::string | ToLocalizedString (GfxShadowType e) |
std::string | ToLocalizedString (GfxSkyMode e) |
std::string | ToLocalizedString (GfxTexFilter e) |
std::string | ToLocalizedString (GfxVegetation e) |
std::string | ToLocalizedString (GfxWaterMode e) |
std::string | ToLocalizedString (GfxExtCamMode e) |
std::string | ToLocalizedString (IoInputGrabMode e) |
std::string | ToLocalizedString (SimResetMode e) |
std::string | ToLocalizedString (UiPreset e) |
const char * | MsgTypeToString (MsgType type) |
const char * | TObjSpecialObjectToString (TObjSpecialObject val) |
void | LoadingIndicatorCircle (const char *label, const float indicator_radius, const ImVec4 &main_color, const ImVec4 &backdrop_color, const int circle_count, const float speed) |
Draws animated loading spinner. More... | |
void | DrawImageRotated (ImTextureID tex_id, ImVec2 center, ImVec2 size, float angle) |
Add rotated textured quad to ImDrawList, source: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/1982#issuecomment-408834301. More... | |
ImVec2 | DrawColorMarkedText (ImDrawList *drawlist, ImVec2 text_cursor, ImVec4 default_color, float override_alpha, float wrap_width, std::string const &line) |
Draw multiline text with '#rrggbb' color markers. Returns total text size. More... | |
std::string | StripColorMarksFromText (std::string const &text) |
void | ImTextWrappedColorMarked (std::string const &text) |
Prints multiline text with '#rrggbb' color markers. Behaves like ImGui::Text* functions. More... | |
bool | DrawGCheckbox (CVar *cvar, const char *label) |
void | DrawGIntCheck (CVar *cvar, const char *label) |
void | DrawGIntBox (CVar *cvar, const char *label) |
void | DrawGIntSlider (CVar *cvar, const char *label, int v_min, int v_max) |
void | DrawGFloatSlider (CVar *cvar, const char *label, float v_min, float v_max) |
void | DrawGFloatBox (CVar *cvar, const char *label) |
void | DrawGTextEdit (CVar *cvar, const char *label, Str< 1000 > &buf) |
bool | DrawGCombo (CVar *cvar, const char *label, const char *values) |
Ogre::TexturePtr | FetchIcon (const char *name) |
ImDrawList * | GetImDummyFullscreenWindow (const std::string &name="RoR_TransparentFullscreenWindow") |
bool | GetScreenPosFromWorldPos (Ogre::Vector3 const &world_pos, ImVec2 &out_screen) |
void | ImAddItemToComboboxString (std::string &target, std::string const &item) |
void | ImTerminateComboboxString (std::string &target) |
void | ImDrawEventHighlighted (events input_event) |
bool | ImDrawEventHighlightedButton (events input_event, bool *btn_hovered=nullptr, bool *btn_active=nullptr) |
void | ImDrawModifierKeyHighlighted (OIS::KeyCode key) |
ImVec2 | ImCalcEventHighlightedSize (events input_event) |
bool | ImButtonHoldToConfirm (const std::string &btn_idstr, const bool smallbutton, const float time_limit) |
bool | ImMoveTextInputCursorToEnd (const char *label) |
bool | GetUrlAsString (const std::string &url, CURLcode &curl_result, long &response_code, std::string &response_payload) |
bool | GetUrlAsStringMQ (CurlTaskContext task) |
Ogre::Vector3 | primitiveCollision (node_t *node, Ogre::Vector3 velocity, float mass, Ogre::Vector3 normal, float dt, ground_model_t *gm, float penetration=0) |
void | ResolveInterActorCollisions (const float dt, PointColDetector &interPointCD, const int free_collcab, int collcabs[], int cabs[], collcab_rate_t inter_collcabrate[], node_t nodes[], const float collrange, ground_model_t &submesh_ground_model) |
void | ResolveIntraActorCollisions (const float dt, PointColDetector &intraPointCD, const int free_collcab, int collcabs[], int cabs[], collcab_rate_t intra_collcabrate[], node_t nodes[], const float collrange, ground_model_t &submesh_ground_model) |
const char * | ActorSimAttrToString (ActorSimAttr attr) |
void | RegisterActor (AngelScript::asIScriptEngine *engine) |
defined in ActorAngelscript.cpp More... | |
void | RegisterVehicleAi (AngelScript::asIScriptEngine *engine) |
defined in VehicleAiAngelscript.cpp More... | |
void | RegisterInputEngine (AngelScript::asIScriptEngine *engine) |
Registers RoR::InputEngine, defined in InputEngineAngelscript.cpp. More... | |
void | RegisterConsole (AngelScript::asIScriptEngine *engine) |
Registers RoR::Console, defined in ConsoleAngelscript.cpp. More... | |
void | RegisterLocalStorage (AngelScript::asIScriptEngine *engine) |
Registers RoR::LocalStorage, defined in LocalStorageAngelscript.cpp. More... | |
void | RegisterGameScript (AngelScript::asIScriptEngine *engine) |
Registers RoR::GameScript, defined in GameScriptAngelscript.cpp. More... | |
void | RegisterScriptEvents (AngelScript::asIScriptEngine *engine) |
Registers enum scriptEvents, defined in ScriptEventsAngelscript.cpp. More... | |
void | RegisterImGuiBindings (AngelScript::asIScriptEngine *engine) |
defined in ImGuiAngelscript.cpp More... | |
void | RegisterOgreObjects (AngelScript::asIScriptEngine *engine) |
defined in OgreAngelscript.cpp More... | |
void | RegisterTerrain (AngelScript::asIScriptEngine *engine) |
Registers RoR::Terrain, defined in TerrainAngelscript.cpp. More... | |
void | RegisterProceduralRoad (AngelScript::asIScriptEngine *engine) |
defined in ProceduralRoadAngelscript.cpp More... | |
void | RegisterGenericFileFormat (AngelScript::asIScriptEngine *engine) |
defined in GenericFileFormatAngelscript.cpp More... | |
void | RegisterMessageQueue (AngelScript::asIScriptEngine *engine) |
Registers enum MsgType, defined in MsgQueueAngelscript.cpp. More... | |
void | RegisterSoundScript (AngelScript::asIScriptEngine *engine) |
defined in SoundScriptAngelscript.cpp More... | |
void | RegisterCacheSystem (AngelScript::asIScriptEngine *engine) |
defined in CacheSystemAngelscript.cpp More... | |
void | RegisterEngine (AngelScript::asIScriptEngine *engine) |
Register class Engine and related enums, defined in EngineAngelscript.cpp. More... | |
void | TRIGGER_EVENT_ASYNC (scriptEvents type, int arg1, int arg2ex=0, int arg3ex=0, int arg4ex=0, std::string arg5ex="", std::string arg6ex="", std::string arg7ex="", std::string arg8ex="") |
Asynchronously (via MSG_SIM_SCRIPT_EVENT_TRIGGERED ) invoke script function eventCallbackEx() , if registered, otherwise fall back to eventCallback() More... | |
const char * | ScriptCategoryToString (ScriptCategory c) |
template<typename T > | |
AngelScript::CScriptArray * | VectorToScriptArray (const std::vector< T > &vec, const std::string &decl) |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
AngelScript::CScriptArray * | MapToScriptArray (std::map< T, U > &map, const std::string &decl) |
template<typename ItorT > | |
AngelScript::CScriptArray * | IterableMapToScriptArray (ItorT begin, ItorT end, const std::string &decl) |
template<typename ItorT > | |
AngelScript::CScriptArray * | IterableListToScriptArray (ItorT begin, ItorT end, const std::string &decl) |
template<typename T > | |
bool | GetValueFromScriptDict (const std::string &log_msg, AngelScript::CScriptDictionary *dict, bool required, std::string const &key, const char *decl, T &out_value) |
template<class A , class B > | |
B * | ScriptRefCast (A *a) |
template<class A , class B > | |
B * | ScriptRefCastNoCount (A *a) |
bool | FileExists (const char *path) |
Path must be UTF-8 encoded. More... | |
bool | FolderExists (const char *path) |
Path must be UTF-8 encoded. More... | |
void | CreateFolder (const char *path) |
Path must be UTF-8 encoded. More... | |
std::string | GetUserHomeDirectory () |
Returns UTF-8 path or empty string on error. More... | |
std::string | GetExecutablePath () |
Returns UTF-8 path or empty string on error. More... | |
void | OpenUrlInDefaultBrowser (std::string const &url) |
std::string | GetParentDirectory (const char *path) |
Returns UTF-8 path without trailing slash. More... | |
std::time_t | GetFileLastModifiedTime (std::string const &path) |
bool | FileExists (std::string const &path) |
bool | FolderExists (std::string const &path) |
void | CreateFolder (std::string const &path) |
std::string | PathCombine (std::string a, std::string b) |
Ogre::String | sha1sum (const char *key, int len) |
Ogre::String | HashData (const char *key, int len) |
Ogre::UTFString | tryConvertUTF (const char *buffer) |
Ogre::UTFString | formatBytes (double bytes) |
std::time_t | getTimeStamp () |
Ogre::String | getVersionString (bool multiline=true) |
void | replaceString (std::string &str, std::string searchString, std::string replaceString) |
Ogre::Real | Round (Ogre::Real value, unsigned short ndigits=0) |
std::string | SanitizeUtf8String (std::string const &str_in) |
std::string | SanitizeUtf8CString (const char *start, const char *end=nullptr) |
std::string & | TrimStr (std::string &s) |
std::string | Sha1Hash (std::string const &data) |
std::string | JoinStrVec (Ogre::StringVector tokens, const std::string &delim) |
template<class T , class A , class Predicate > | |
void | EraseIf (std::vector< T, A > &c, Predicate pred) |
bool | IsDistanceWithin (Ogre::Vector3 const &a, Ogre::Vector3 const &b, float max) |
std::string | PrintMeshInfo (std::string const &title, Ogre::MeshPtr mesh) |
void | CvarAddFileToList (CVar *cvar, const std::string &filename) |
void | CvarRemoveFileFromList (CVar *cvar, const std::string &filename) |
void | SplitBundleQualifiedFilename (const std::string &bundleQualifiedFilename, std::string &out_bundleName, std::string &out_filename) |
typedef int RoR::ActorInstanceID_t |
Unique sequentially generated ID of an actor in session. Use ActorManager::GetActorById()
Definition at line 38 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef RefCountingObjectPtr<Actor> RoR::ActorPtr |
Definition at line 219 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef std::vector<ActorPtr> RoR::ActorPtrVec |
Definition at line 237 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef std::vector<AddonPartConflict> RoR::AddonPartConflictVec |
Definition at line 53 of file AddonPartFileFormat.h.
typedef int RoR::CacheEntryID_t |
index to CacheSystem::m_cache_entries
as empty value.
Definition at line 51 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef RefCountingObjectPtr< CacheEntry > RoR::CacheEntryPtr |
Definition at line 220 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef int RoR::CommandkeyID_t |
Index into Actor::ar_commandkeys
(BEWARE: indexed 1-MAX_COMMANDKEYS, 0 is invalid value, negative subscript of any size is acceptable, see class CmdKeyArray
Definition at line 79 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef int RoR::CParticleID_t |
Index into GfxActor::m_cparticles
as empty value.
Definition at line 76 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef struct RoR::dashData_t RoR::dashData_t |
typedef union RoR::dataContainer_t RoR::dataContainer_t |
typedef RefCountingObjectPtr<Engine> RoR::EnginePtr |
Definition at line 221 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef int RoR::ExhaustID_t |
Index into GfxActor::m_exhausts
as empty value.
Definition at line 73 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef int RoR::FlareID_t |
Index into Actor::ar_flares
as empty value.
Definition at line 70 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef int RoR::FlexbodyID_t |
Index to GfxActor::m_flexbodies
as empty value.
Definition at line 64 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef int RoR::FreeForceID_t |
Unique sequentially generated ID of FreeForce
; use ActorManager::GetFreeForceNextId()
Definition at line 67 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
Definition at line 223 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
Definition at line 222 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
Definition at line 224 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef uint16_t RoR::NodeNum_t |
Node position within Actor::ar_nodes
; use RoR::NODENUM_INVALID as empty value.
Definition at line 54 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<ODefDocument> RoR::ODefDocumentPtr |
Definition at line 210 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<OTCDocument> RoR::OTCDocumentPtr |
Definition at line 214 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef int RoR::PointidID_t |
index to PointColDetector::hit_pointid_list
as empty value.
Definition at line 45 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
Definition at line 228 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
Definition at line 226 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
Definition at line 225 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
Definition at line 227 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef int RoR::PropID_t |
Index to GfxActor::m_props
as empty value.
Definition at line 61 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef int RoR::RefelemID_t |
index to PointColDetector::m_ref_list
as empty value.
Definition at line 48 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef int RoR::ScriptRetCode_t |
see enum RoR::ScriptRetCode
- combines AngelScript codes and RoR internal codes.
Definition at line 82 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef int RoR::ScriptUnitID_t |
Unique sequentially generated ID of a loaded and running scriptin session. Use ScriptEngine::getScriptUnit()
Definition at line 41 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<SkinDocument> RoR::SkinDocumentPtr |
Definition at line 215 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef RefCountingObjectPtr<Sound> RoR::SoundPtr |
Definition at line 229 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
Definition at line 230 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
Definition at line 231 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef int RoR::TerrainEditorObjectID_t |
Offset into RoR::TerrainObjectManager::m_editor_objects
as empty value.
Definition at line 84 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
Definition at line 233 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef std::vector<TerrainEditorObjectPtr> RoR::TerrainEditorObjectPtrVec |
Definition at line 238 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef RefCountingObjectPtr<Terrain> RoR::TerrainPtr |
Definition at line 232 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<Terrn2Document> RoR::Terrn2DocumentPtr |
Definition at line 217 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<TObjDocument> RoR::TObjDocumentPtr |
Definition at line 216 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
Definition at line 234 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
Definition at line 235 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
typedef int RoR::WheelID_t |
Index to Actor::ar_wheels
as empty value.
Definition at line 58 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
anonymous enum |
Enumerator | |
DC_INT | |
Definition at line 53 of file DashBoardManager.h.
strong |
enum RoR::ActorSimAttr |
Parameter to Actor::setSimAttribute()
and Actor::getSimAttribute()
; allows advanced users to tweak physics internals via script.
Each value represents a variable, either directly in Actor
or a subsystem, i.e. Engine
. PAY ATTENTION to the 'safe value' limits below - those may not be checked when setting attribute values!
Enumerator | |
ACTORSIMATTR_TC_RATIO | Regulating force, safe values: <1 - 20> |
ACTORSIMATTR_TC_PULSE_TIME | Pulse duration in seconds, safe values <0.00005 - 1> |
ACTORSIMATTR_TC_WHEELSLIP_CONSTANT | Minimum wheel slip threshold, safe value = 0.25. |
ACTORSIMATTR_ENGINE_SHIFTDOWN_RPM | Automatic transmission - Param #1 of 'engine'. |
ACTORSIMATTR_ENGINE_SHIFTUP_RPM | Automatic transmission - Param #2 of 'engine'. |
ACTORSIMATTR_ENGINE_TORQUE | Engine torque in newton-meters (N/m) - Param #3 of 'engine'. |
ACTORSIMATTR_ENGINE_DIFF_RATIO | Differential ratio (aka global gear ratio) - Param #4 of 'engine'. |
ACTORSIMATTR_ENGINE_GEAR_RATIOS_ARRAY | Gearbox - Format: "<reverse_gear> <neutral_gear> <forward_gear 1> [<forward gear 2>]..."; Param #5 and onwards of 'engine'. |
ACTORSIMATTR_ENGOPTION_POST_SHIFT_TIME | Time (in seconds) until full torque is transferred - Param #6 of 'engoption'. |
ACTORSIMATTR_ENGOPTION_STALL_RPM | RPM where engine stalls - Param #7 of 'engoption'. |
ACTORSIMATTR_ENGOPTION_IDLE_RPM | Target idle RPM - Param #8 of 'engoption'. |
ACTORSIMATTR_ENGOPTION_MAX_IDLE_MIXTURE | Max throttle to maintain idle RPM - Param #9 of 'engoption'. |
ACTORSIMATTR_ENGOPTION_MIN_IDLE_MIXTURE | Min throttle to maintain idle RPM - Param #10 of 'engoption'. |
ACTORSIMATTR_ENGOPTION_BRAKING_TORQUE | How much engine brakes on zero throttle - Param #11 of 'engoption'. |
ACTORSIMATTR_ENGTURBO2_INERTIA_FACTOR | Time to spool up - Param #2 of 'engturbo2'. |
ACTORSIMATTR_ENGTURBO2_NUM_TURBOS | Number of turbos - Param #3 of 'engturbo2'. |
ACTORSIMATTR_ENGTURBO2_MAX_RPM | MaxPSI * 10000 ~ calculated from Param #4 of 'engturbo2'. |
ACTORSIMATTR_ENGTURBO2_ENGINE_RPM_OP | Engine RPM threshold for turbo to operate - Param #5 of 'engturbo2'. |
ACTORSIMATTR_ENGTURBO2_BOV_ENABLED | Blow-off valve - Param #6 of 'engturbo2'. |
ACTORSIMATTR_ENGTURBO2_BOV_MIN_PSI | Blow-off valve PSI threshold - Param #7 of 'engturbo2'. |
ACTORSIMATTR_ENGTURBO2_WASTEGATE_THRESHOLD_N | 1 - WgThreshold ~ calculated from Param #10 of 'engturbo2' |
ACTORSIMATTR_ENGTURBO2_WASTEGATE_THRESHOLD_P | 1 + WgThreshold ~ calculated from Param #10 of 'engturbo2' |
enum RoR::Ai_events |
Enum with AI events.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 44 of file VehicleAI.h.
enum RoR::Ai_values |
Enum with AI values that can be set.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 55 of file VehicleAI.h.
Argument #2 of script event SE_ANGELSCRIPT_MANIPULATIONS
Enumerator | |
ASMANIP_SCRIPT_LOADED | Triggered after the script's |
ASMANIP_SCRIPT_UNLOADING | Triggered before unloading the script to let it clean up (important for missions). |
Definition at line 72 of file ScriptEvents.h.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 79 of file ScriptEvents.h.
enum RoR::CacheCategoryId |
Definition at line 147 of file CacheSystem.h.
strong |
Definition at line 172 of file CacheSystem.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 203 of file CacheSystem.h.
enum RoR::CollisionEventFilter : short |
Specified in terrain object (.ODEF) file, syntax: 'event <type> <filter>'.
strong |
Definition at line 211 of file CacheSystem.h.
enum RoR::DashData |
Definition at line 84 of file DashBoardManager.h.
strong |
strong |
Enumerator | |
NONE | |
Definition at line 217 of file Application.h.
strong |
Definition at line 243 of file Application.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
NONE | |
Definition at line 210 of file Application.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
SANDSTORM | Sandstorm (fastest) |
CAELUM | Caelum (best looking, slower) |
SKYX | SkyX (best looking, slower) |
Definition at line 264 of file Application.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
NONE | |
Definition at line 225 of file Application.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
NONE | |
x20PERC | |
x50PERC | |
Definition at line 234 of file Application.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
NONE | None. |
BASIC | Basic (fastest) |
REFLECT | Reflection. |
FULL_FAST | Reflection + refraction (speed optimized) |
FULL_HQ | Reflection + refraction (quality optimized) |
HYDRAX | HydraX. |
Definition at line 253 of file Application.h.
< Flags for HandleGenericException()
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 589 of file Application.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
NONE | |
ALL | |
Definition at line 272 of file Application.h.
enum RoR::LoaderType |
< Search mode for ModCache::Query()
& Operation mode for GUI::MainSelector
Enumerator | |
LT_None | |
LT_Terrain | |
LT_Vehicle | |
LT_Truck | |
LT_Car | |
LT_Boat | |
LT_Airplane | |
LT_Trailer | |
LT_Train | |
LT_Load | |
LT_Extension | |
LT_Skin | |
LT_AllBeam | |
LT_AddonPart | |
LT_Tuneup | |
LT_AssetPack |
Definition at line 306 of file Application.h.
Argument #2 of script event RoR::SE_GENERIC_MODCACHE_ACTIVITY
Definition at line 88 of file ScriptEvents.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
NONE | |
TUNEUP_USE_ADDONPART_SET | 'subject' is addonpart filename. |
TUNEUP_USE_ADDONPART_RESET | 'subject' is addonpart filename. |
TUNEUP_FORCEREMOVE_PROP_SET | 'subject_id' is prop ID. |
TUNEUP_FORCEREMOVE_PROP_RESET | 'subject_id' is prop ID. |
TUNEUP_FORCEREMOVE_FLEXBODY_SET | 'subject_id' is flexbody ID. |
TUNEUP_FORCEREMOVE_FLEXBODY_RESET | 'subject_id' is flexbody ID. |
TUNEUP_FORCED_WHEEL_SIDE_SET | 'subject_id' is wheel ID, 'value_int' is RoR::WheelSide |
TUNEUP_FORCED_WHEEL_SIDE_RESET | 'subject_id' is wheel ID. |
TUNEUP_FORCEREMOVE_FLARE_SET | 'subject_id' is flare ID. |
TUNEUP_FORCEREMOVE_FLARE_RESET | 'subject_id' is flare ID. |
TUNEUP_FORCEREMOVE_EXHAUST_SET | 'subject_id' is exhaust ID. |
TUNEUP_FORCEREMOVE_EXHAUST_RESET | 'subject_id' is exhaust ID. |
TUNEUP_FORCEREMOVE_MANAGEDMAT_SET | 'subject' is managed material name. |
TUNEUP_FORCEREMOVE_MANAGEDMAT_RESET | 'subject' is managed material name. |
TUNEUP_PROTECTED_PROP_SET | 'subject_id' is prop ID. |
TUNEUP_PROTECTED_PROP_RESET | 'subject_id' is prop ID. |
TUNEUP_PROTECTED_FLEXBODY_SET | 'subject_id' is flexbody ID. |
TUNEUP_PROTECTED_FLEXBODY_RESET | 'subject_id' is flexbody ID. |
TUNEUP_PROTECTED_WHEEL_SET | 'subject_id' is wheel ID. |
TUNEUP_PROTECTED_WHEEL_RESET | 'subject_id' is wheel ID. |
TUNEUP_PROTECTED_FLARE_SET | 'subject_id' is flare ID. |
TUNEUP_PROTECTED_FLARE_RESET | 'subject_id' is flare ID. |
TUNEUP_PROTECTED_EXHAUST_SET | 'subject_id' is exhaust ID. |
TUNEUP_PROTECTED_EXHAUST_RESET | 'subject_id' is exhaust ID. |
TUNEUP_PROTECTED_MANAGEDMAT_SET | 'subject' is managed material name. |
TUNEUP_PROTECTED_MANAGEDMAT_RESET | 'subject' is managed material name. |
PROJECT_LOAD_TUNEUP | 'subject' is tuneup filename. This overwrites the auto-generated tuneup with the save. |
PROJECT_RESET_TUNEUP | 'subject' is empty. This resets the auto-generated tuneup to orig. values. |
Definition at line 232 of file CacheSystem.h.
enum RoR::scriptEvents |
This enum describes what events are existing. The script can register to receive events.
Enumerator | |
SE_EVENTBOX_ENTER | Actor or person entered an eventbox; arguments: #1 type, #2 actorID (actor only), #3 node ID (actor only), #4 unused, #5 object instance name #6 eventbox name, #7 unused #8 unused. |
SE_EVENTBOX_EXIT | Actor or person left an eventbox; arguments: #1 type, #2 actorID (actor only), #3 unused, #4 unused, #5 object instance name #6 eventbox name, #7 unused #8 unused. |
SE_TRUCK_ENTER | triggered when switching from person mode to vehicle mode, the argument refers to the actor ID of the vehicle |
SE_TRUCK_EXIT | triggered when switching from vehicle mode to person mode, the argument refers to the actor ID of the vehicle |
SE_TRUCK_ENGINE_DIED | triggered when the vehicle's engine dies (from underrev, water, etc), the argument refers to the actor ID of the vehicle |
SE_TRUCK_ENGINE_FIRE | triggered when the planes engines start to get on fire, the argument refers to the actor ID of the vehicle |
SE_TRUCK_TOUCHED_WATER | triggered when any part of the actor touches water, the argument refers to the actor ID |
SE_TRUCK_LIGHT_TOGGLE | triggered when the main light is toggled, the argument refers to the actor ID |
SE_TRUCK_TIE_TOGGLE | triggered when the user toggles ties, the argument refers to the actor ID |
SE_TRUCK_PARKINGBRAKE_TOGGLE | triggered when the user toggles the parking brake, the argument refers to the actor ID |
SE_TRUCK_BEACONS_TOGGLE | triggered when the user toggles beacons, the argument refers to the actor ID |
SE_TRUCK_CPARTICLES_TOGGLE | triggered when the user toggles custom particles, the argument refers to the actor ID |
SE_GENERIC_NEW_TRUCK | triggered when the user spawns a new actor, the argument refers to the actor ID |
SE_GENERIC_DELETED_TRUCK | triggered when the user deletes an actor, the argument refers to the actor ID |
SE_TRUCK_RESET | triggered when the user resets the truck, the argument refers to the actor ID of the vehicle |
SE_TRUCK_TELEPORT | triggered when the user teleports the truck, the argument refers to the actor ID of the vehicle |
SE_TRUCK_MOUSE_GRAB | triggered when the user uses the mouse to interact with the actor, the argument refers to the actor ID |
SE_ANGELSCRIPT_MANIPULATIONS | triggered when the user tries to dynamically use the scripting capabilities (prevent cheating) args: #1 angelScriptManipulationType, #2 ScriptUnitId_t, #3 RoR::ScriptCategory, #4 unused, #5 filename |
SE_ANGELSCRIPT_MSGCALLBACK | The diagnostic info directly from AngelScript engine (see |
SE_ANGELSCRIPT_LINECALLBACK | The diagnostic info directly from AngelScript engine (see |
SE_ANGELSCRIPT_EXCEPTIONCALLBACK | The diagnostic info directly from AngelScript engine (see |
SE_ANGELSCRIPT_THREAD_STATUS | Sent by background threads (i.e. CURL) when there's something important (like finishing a download). args: #1 type, see |
SE_GENERIC_MESSAGEBOX_CLICK | triggered when the user clicks on a message box button, the argument refers to the button pressed |
SE_GENERIC_EXCEPTION_CAUGHT | Triggered when C++ exception (usually Ogre::Exception) is thrown; #1 ScriptUnitID, #5 originFuncName, #6 type, #7 message. |
SE_GENERIC_MODCACHE_ACTIVITY | Triggered when status of modcache changes, args: #1 type, #2 entry number, for other args see |
SE_GENERIC_TRUCK_LINKING_CHANGED | Triggered when 2 actors become linked or unlinked via ties/hooks/ropes/slidenodes; args: #1 state (1=linked, 0=unlinked), #2 action |
Definition at line 30 of file ScriptEvents.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
HARD | |
Definition at line 280 of file Application.h.
strong |
Definition at line 326 of file Application.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
NONE | |
INT | |
BOOL | |
Definition at line 48 of file GenericFileFormat.h.
strong |
See UiPresets[]
list in GUIManager.cpp (declared extern in GUIManager.h)
Enumerator | |
Count |
Definition at line 289 of file Application.h.
enum RoR::VisibilityMasks |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 299 of file Application.h.
const char * RoR::ActorSimAttrToString | ( | ActorSimAttr | attr | ) |
void RoR::CvarAddFileToList | ( | CVar * | cvar, |
const std::string & | filename | ||
) |
void RoR::CvarRemoveFileFromList | ( | CVar * | cvar, |
const std::string & | filename | ||
) |
ImVec2 RoR::DrawColorMarkedText | ( | ImDrawList * | drawlist, |
ImVec2 | text_cursor, | ||
ImVec4 | default_color, | ||
float | override_alpha, | ||
float | wrap_width, | ||
std::string const & | line | ||
) |
Draw multiline text with '#rrggbb' color markers. Returns total text size.
Definition at line 204 of file GUIUtils.cpp.
bool RoR::DrawGCheckbox | ( | CVar * | cvar, |
const char * | label | ||
) |
Definition at line 261 of file GUIUtils.cpp.
bool RoR::DrawGCombo | ( | CVar * | cvar, |
const char * | label, | ||
const char * | values | ||
) |
Definition at line 335 of file GUIUtils.cpp.
void RoR::DrawGFloatBox | ( | CVar * | cvar, |
const char * | label | ||
) |
Definition at line 310 of file GUIUtils.cpp.
void RoR::DrawGFloatSlider | ( | CVar * | cvar, |
const char * | label, | ||
float | v_min, | ||
float | v_max | ||
) |
Definition at line 300 of file GUIUtils.cpp.
void RoR::DrawGIntBox | ( | CVar * | cvar, |
const char * | label | ||
) |
Definition at line 281 of file GUIUtils.cpp.
void RoR::DrawGIntCheck | ( | CVar * | cvar, |
const char * | label | ||
) |
Definition at line 272 of file GUIUtils.cpp.
void RoR::DrawGIntSlider | ( | CVar * | cvar, |
const char * | label, | ||
int | v_min, | ||
int | v_max | ||
) |
Definition at line 290 of file GUIUtils.cpp.
Definition at line 319 of file GUIUtils.cpp.
void RoR::DrawImageRotated | ( | ImTextureID | tex_id, |
ImVec2 | center, | ||
ImVec2 | size, | ||
float | angle | ||
) |
Add rotated textured quad to ImDrawList, source: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/1982#issuecomment-408834301.
Definition at line 175 of file GUIUtils.cpp.
inline |
Ogre::TexturePtr RoR::FetchIcon | ( | const char * | name | ) |
UTFString RoR::formatBytes | ( | double | bytes | ) |
ImDrawList * RoR::GetImDummyFullscreenWindow | ( | const std::string & | name = "RoR_TransparentFullscreenWindow" | ) |
bool RoR::GetScreenPosFromWorldPos | ( | Ogre::Vector3 const & | world_pos, |
ImVec2 & | out_screen | ||
) |
Definition at line 542 of file GUIUtils.cpp.
std::time_t RoR::getTimeStamp | ( | ) |
bool RoR::GetUrlAsString | ( | const std::string & | url, |
CURLcode & | curl_result, | ||
long & | response_code, | ||
std::string & | response_payload | ||
) |
Definition at line 71 of file CurlHelpers.cpp.
bool RoR::GetUrlAsStringMQ | ( | CurlTaskContext | task | ) |
Definition at line 106 of file CurlHelpers.cpp.
String RoR::getVersionString | ( | bool | multiline = true | ) |
void RoR::HandleGenericException | ( | const std::string & | from, |
BitMask_t | flags | ||
) |
Definition at line 372 of file Application.cpp.
void RoR::HandleMsgQueueException | ( | MsgType | from | ) |
Definition at line 413 of file Application.cpp.
String RoR::HashData | ( | const char * | key, |
int | len | ||
) |
void RoR::ImAddItemToComboboxString | ( | std::string & | target, |
std::string const & | item | ||
) |
bool RoR::ImButtonHoldToConfirm | ( | const std::string & | btn_idstr, |
const bool | smallbutton, | ||
const float | time_limit | ||
) |
ImVec2 RoR::ImCalcEventHighlightedSize | ( | events | input_event | ) |
Definition at line 469 of file GUIUtils.cpp.
void RoR::ImDrawEventHighlighted | ( | events | input_event | ) |
Definition at line 410 of file GUIUtils.cpp.
bool RoR::ImDrawEventHighlightedButton | ( | events | input_event, |
bool * | btn_hovered = nullptr , |
bool * | btn_active = nullptr |
) |
Definition at line 426 of file GUIUtils.cpp.
void RoR::ImDrawModifierKeyHighlighted | ( | OIS::KeyCode | key | ) |
Definition at line 453 of file GUIUtils.cpp.
bool RoR::ImMoveTextInputCursorToEnd | ( | const char * | label | ) |
void RoR::ImTerminateComboboxString | ( | std::string & | target | ) |
void RoR::ImTextWrappedColorMarked | ( | std::string const & | text | ) |
Prints multiline text with '#rrggbb' color markers. Behaves like ImGui::Text*
Definition at line 246 of file GUIUtils.cpp.
bool RoR::IsDistanceWithin | ( | Ogre::Vector3 const & | a, |
Ogre::Vector3 const & | b, | ||
float | max | ||
) |
std::string RoR::JoinStrVec | ( | Ogre::StringVector | tokens, |
const std::string & | delim | ||
) |
void RoR::LoadingIndicatorCircle | ( | const char * | label, |
const float | indicator_radius, | ||
const ImVec4 & | main_color, | ||
const ImVec4 & | backdrop_color, | ||
const int | circle_count, | ||
const float | speed | ||
) |
Draws animated loading spinner.
Definition at line 132 of file GUIUtils.cpp.
void RoR::Log | ( | const char * | msg | ) |
The ultimate, application-wide logging function. Adds a line (any length) in 'RoR.log' file.
Definition at line 422 of file Application.cpp.
void RoR::LogFormat | ( | const char * | format, |
... | |||
) |
Improved logging utility. Uses fixed 2Kb buffer.
Definition at line 427 of file Application.cpp.
std::string RoR::PrintMeshInfo | ( | std::string const & | title, |
Ogre::MeshPtr | mesh | ||
) |
inline |
Real RoR::Round | ( | Ogre::Real | value, |
unsigned short | ndigits = 0 |
) |
std::string RoR::SanitizeUtf8CString | ( | const char * | start, |
const char * | end = nullptr |
) |
std::string RoR::SanitizeUtf8String | ( | std::string const & | str_in | ) |
std::string RoR::Sha1Hash | ( | std::string const & | data | ) |
String RoR::sha1sum | ( | const char * | key, |
int | len | ||
) |
void RoR::SplitBundleQualifiedFilename | ( | const std::string & | bundleQualifiedFilename, |
std::string & | out_bundleName, | ||
std::string & | out_filename | ||
) |
std::string RoR::StripColorMarksFromText | ( | std::string const & | text | ) |
const char * RoR::TObjSpecialObjectToString | ( | TObjSpecialObject | val | ) |
std::string RoR::ToLocalizedString | ( | GfxExtCamMode | e | ) |
Definition at line 528 of file Application.cpp.
std::string RoR::ToLocalizedString | ( | GfxFlaresMode | e | ) |
Definition at line 456 of file Application.cpp.
std::string RoR::ToLocalizedString | ( | GfxShadowType | e | ) |
Definition at line 469 of file Application.cpp.
std::string RoR::ToLocalizedString | ( | GfxSkyMode | e | ) |
Definition at line 479 of file Application.cpp.
std::string RoR::ToLocalizedString | ( | GfxTexFilter | e | ) |
Definition at line 490 of file Application.cpp.
std::string RoR::ToLocalizedString | ( | GfxVegetation | e | ) |
Definition at line 502 of file Application.cpp.
std::string RoR::ToLocalizedString | ( | GfxWaterMode | e | ) |
Definition at line 514 of file Application.cpp.
std::string RoR::ToLocalizedString | ( | IoInputGrabMode | e | ) |
Definition at line 539 of file Application.cpp.
std::string RoR::ToLocalizedString | ( | SimResetMode | e | ) |
Definition at line 550 of file Application.cpp.
std::string RoR::ToLocalizedString | ( | UiPreset | e | ) |
Definition at line 560 of file Application.cpp.
inline |
UTFString RoR::tryConvertUTF | ( | const char * | buffer | ) |
static |
Definition at line 39 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
static |
Definition at line 52 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
static |
Definition at line 80 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
static |
Definition at line 77 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
static |
Definition at line 74 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
static |
Definition at line 71 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
static |
Definition at line 65 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
static |
Definition at line 68 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
Definition at line 55 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
Definition at line 56 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
static |
Definition at line 46 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
static |
Definition at line 62 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
static |
Definition at line 49 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
static |
The script defined in .terrn2 [Scripts], or 'default.as' ~ classic behavior.
Definition at line 43 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
static |
Definition at line 42 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
static |
Definition at line 85 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.
const size_t RoR::TUNEUP_BUF_SIZE = 2000 |
Definition at line 42 of file TuneupFileFormat.h.
UiPresetEntry RoR::UiPresets |
Global list of UI Presets, selectable via Settings menu in TopMenubar.
Definition at line 53 of file GUIManager.cpp.
static |
Definition at line 59 of file ForwardDeclarations.h.