Soft-body Physics Simulation
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Data Fields | Static Public Attributes | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
RoR::ActorManager Class Reference

Builds and manages softbody actors (physics on background thread, networking) More...

#include <ActorManager.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for RoR::ActorManager:

Public Types

typedef std::vector< FreeForceFreeForceVec_t

Public Member Functions

 ActorManager ()
 ~ActorManager ()
void UpdateActors (ActorPtr player_actor)
void SyncWithSimThread ()
void UpdatePhysicsSimulation ()
void WakeUpAllActors ()
void SendAllActorsSleeping ()
unsigned long GetNetTime ()
int GetNetTimeOffset (int sourceid)
void UpdateNetTimeOffset (int sourceid, int offset)
void AddStreamMismatch (int sourceid, int streamid)
int CheckNetworkStreamsOk (int sourceid)
int CheckNetRemoteStreamsOk (int sourceid)
void MuteAllActors ()
void UnmuteAllActors ()
void SetTrucksForcedAwake (bool forced)
bool AreTrucksForcedAwake () const
void SetSimulationSpeed (float speed)
float GetSimulationSpeed () const
bool IsSimulationPaused () const
void SetSimulationPaused (bool v)
float GetTotalTime () const
RoR::CmdKeyInertiaConfigGetInertiaConfig ()
void CleanUpSimulation ()
 Call this after simulation loop finishes. More...
void RepairActor (Collisions *collisions, const Ogre::String &inst, const Ogre::String &box, bool keepPosition=false)
void UpdateSleepingState (ActorPtr player_actor, float dt)
void UpdateInputEvents (float dt)
RigDef::DocumentPtr FetchActorDef (std::string filename, bool predefined_on_terrain=false)
void HandleActorStreamData (std::vector< RoR::NetRecvPacket > packet)
bool LoadScene (Ogre::String filename)
bool SaveScene (Ogre::String filename)
void RestoreSavedState (ActorPtr actor, rapidjson::Value const &j_entry)
ActorPtrVecGetActors ()
std::vector< ActorPtrGetLocalActors ()
std::pair< ActorPtr, float > GetNearestActor (Ogre::Vector3 position)
bool AreActorsDirectlyLinked (const ActorPtr &a1, const ActorPtr &a2)
Actor lifetime
ActorPtr CreateNewActor (ActorSpawnRequest rq, RigDef::DocumentPtr def)
void DeleteActorInternal (ActorPtr actor)
 Do not call directly; use GameContext::DeleteActor() More...
Actor lookup
const ActorPtrGetActorById (ActorInstanceID_t actor_id)
const ActorPtrGetActorByNetworkLinks (int source_id, int stream_id)
ActorPtr FindActorInsideBox (Collisions *collisions, const Ogre::String &inst, const Ogre::String &box)
const ActorPtrFetchNextVehicleOnList (ActorPtr player, ActorPtr prev_player)
const ActorPtrFetchPreviousVehicleOnList (ActorPtr player, ActorPtr prev_player)
const ActorPtrFetchRescueVehicle ()
Free forces
void AddFreeForce (FreeForceRequest *rq)
void ModifyFreeForce (FreeForceRequest *rq)
void RemoveFreeForce (FreeForceID_t id)
FreeForceVec_t::iterator FindFreeForce (FreeForceID_t id)
FreeForceID_t GetFreeForceNextId ()

Data Fields

std::map< beam_t *, std::pair< ActorPtr, ActorPtr > > inter_actor_links

Static Public Attributes

static const ActorPtr ACTORPTR_NULL

Private Member Functions

bool CheckActorCollAabbIntersect (int a, int b)
 Returns whether or not the bounding boxes of truck a and truck b intersect. Based on the truck collision bounding boxes. More...
bool PredictActorCollAabbIntersect (int a, int b)
 Returns whether or not the bounding boxes of truck a and truck b might intersect during the next framestep. Based on the truck collision bounding boxes. More...
void RemoveStreamSource (int sourceid)
void RecursiveActivation (int j, std::vector< bool > &visited)
void ForwardCommands (ActorPtr source_actor)
 Fowards things to trailers. More...
void UpdateTruckFeatures (ActorPtr vehicle, float dt)
void CalcFreeForces ()
 Apply FreeForces - intentionally as a separate pass over all actors. More...

Private Attributes

std::map< int, std::set< int > > m_stream_mismatches
 Networking: A set of streams without a corresponding actor in the actor-array for each stream source. More...
std::map< int, int > m_stream_time_offsets
 Networking: A network time offset for each stream source. More...
Ogre::Timer m_net_timer
ActorPtrVec m_actors
bool m_forced_awake = false
 disables sleep counters More...
int m_physics_steps = 0
float m_dt_remainder = 0.f
 Keeps track of the rounding error in the time step calculation. More...
float m_simulation_speed = 1.f
 slow motion < 1.0 < fast motion More...
float m_last_simulation_speed = 0.1f
 previously used time ratio between real time (evt.timeSinceLastFrame) and physics time ('dt' used in calcPhysics) More...
float m_simulation_time = 0.f
 Amount of time the physics simulation is going to be advanced. More...
bool m_simulation_paused = false
float m_total_sim_time = 0.f
FreeForceVec_t m_free_forces
 Global forces added ad-hoc by scripts. More...
FreeForceID_t m_free_force_next_id = 0
 Unique ID for each FreeForce. More...
std::unique_ptr< ThreadPoolm_sim_thread_pool
std::shared_ptr< Taskm_sim_task
RoR::CmdKeyInertiaConfig m_inertia_config

Detailed Description

Builds and manages softbody actors (physics on background thread, networking)

Definition at line 43 of file ActorManager.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ FreeForceVec_t

Definition at line 47 of file ActorManager.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ActorManager()

ActorManager::ActorManager ( )

Definition at line 64 of file ActorManager.cpp.

◆ ~ActorManager()

ActorManager::~ActorManager ( )

Definition at line 74 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddFreeForce()

void ActorManager::AddFreeForce ( FreeForceRequest rq)

Definition at line 1615 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AddStreamMismatch()

void RoR::ActorManager::AddStreamMismatch ( int  sourceid,
int  streamid 

Definition at line 85 of file ActorManager.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AreActorsDirectlyLinked()

bool ActorManager::AreActorsDirectlyLinked ( const ActorPtr a1,
const ActorPtr a2 

Definition at line 724 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AreTrucksForcedAwake()

bool RoR::ActorManager::AreTrucksForcedAwake ( ) const

Definition at line 91 of file ActorManager.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CalcFreeForces()

void ActorManager::CalcFreeForces ( )

Apply FreeForces - intentionally as a separate pass over all actors.

Definition at line 1505 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CheckActorCollAabbIntersect()

bool ActorManager::CheckActorCollAabbIntersect ( int  a,
int  b 

Returns whether or not the bounding boxes of truck a and truck b intersect. Based on the truck collision bounding boxes.

Definition at line 570 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CheckNetRemoteStreamsOk()

int ActorManager::CheckNetRemoteStreamsOk ( int  sourceid)

Definition at line 538 of file ActorManager.cpp.

◆ CheckNetworkStreamsOk()

int ActorManager::CheckNetworkStreamsOk ( int  sourceid)

Definition at line 519 of file ActorManager.cpp.

◆ CleanUpSimulation()

void ActorManager::CleanUpSimulation ( )

Call this after simulation loop finishes.

Definition at line 872 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CreateNewActor()

ActorPtr ActorManager::CreateNewActor ( ActorSpawnRequest  rq,
RigDef::DocumentPtr  def 

Definition at line 79 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DeleteActorInternal()

void ActorManager::DeleteActorInternal ( ActorPtr  actor)

Do not call directly; use GameContext::DeleteActor()

Definition at line 885 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FetchActorDef()

RigDef::DocumentPtr ActorManager::FetchActorDef ( std::string  filename,
bool  predefined_on_terrain = false 

Definition at line 1257 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FetchNextVehicleOnList()

const ActorPtr & ActorManager::FetchNextVehicleOnList ( ActorPtr  player,
ActorPtr  prev_player 

Definition at line 966 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FetchPreviousVehicleOnList()

const ActorPtr & ActorManager::FetchPreviousVehicleOnList ( ActorPtr  player,
ActorPtr  prev_player 

Definition at line 991 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FetchRescueVehicle()

const ActorPtr & ActorManager::FetchRescueVehicle ( )

Definition at line 1018 of file ActorManager.cpp.

◆ FindActorInsideBox()

ActorPtr ActorManager::FindActorInsideBox ( Collisions collisions,
const Ogre::String &  inst,
const Ogre::String &  box 

Definition at line 807 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FindFreeForce()

ActorManager::FreeForceVec_t::iterator ActorManager::FindFreeForce ( FreeForceID_t  id)

Definition at line 1610 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ForwardCommands()

void ActorManager::ForwardCommands ( ActorPtr  source_actor)

Fowards things to trailers.

Definition at line 653 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetActorById()

const ActorPtr & ActorManager::GetActorById ( ActorInstanceID_t  actor_id)

Definition at line 1146 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetActorByNetworkLinks()

const ActorPtr & ActorManager::GetActorByNetworkLinks ( int  source_id,
int  stream_id 

Definition at line 557 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetActors()

ActorPtrVec& RoR::ActorManager::GetActors ( )

Definition at line 119 of file ActorManager.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetFreeForceNextId()

FreeForceID_t RoR::ActorManager::GetFreeForceNextId ( )

Definition at line 74 of file ActorManager.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetInertiaConfig()

RoR::CmdKeyInertiaConfig& RoR::ActorManager::GetInertiaConfig ( )

Definition at line 97 of file ActorManager.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetLocalActors()

std::vector< ActorPtr > ActorManager::GetLocalActors ( )

Definition at line 1343 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetNearestActor()

std::pair< ActorPtr, float > ActorManager::GetNearestActor ( Ogre::Vector3  position)

Definition at line 856 of file ActorManager.cpp.

◆ GetNetTime()

unsigned long RoR::ActorManager::GetNetTime ( )

Definition at line 82 of file ActorManager.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetNetTimeOffset()

int ActorManager::GetNetTimeOffset ( int  sourceid)

Definition at line 501 of file ActorManager.cpp.

◆ GetSimulationSpeed()

float RoR::ActorManager::GetSimulationSpeed ( ) const

Definition at line 93 of file ActorManager.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetTotalTime()

float RoR::ActorManager::GetTotalTime ( ) const

Definition at line 96 of file ActorManager.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ HandleActorStreamData()

void ActorManager::HandleActorStreamData ( std::vector< RoR::NetRecvPacket packet)

Definition at line 359 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IsSimulationPaused()

bool RoR::ActorManager::IsSimulationPaused ( ) const

Definition at line 94 of file ActorManager.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LoadScene()

bool ActorManager::LoadScene ( Ogre::String  filename)

Definition at line 239 of file Savegame.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ModifyFreeForce()

void ActorManager::ModifyFreeForce ( FreeForceRequest rq)

Definition at line 1632 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MuteAllActors()

void ActorManager::MuteAllActors ( )

Definition at line 840 of file ActorManager.cpp.

◆ PredictActorCollAabbIntersect()

bool ActorManager::PredictActorCollAabbIntersect ( int  a,
int  b 

Returns whether or not the bounding boxes of truck a and truck b might intersect during the next framestep. Based on the truck collision bounding boxes.

Definition at line 599 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RecursiveActivation()

void ActorManager::RecursiveActivation ( int  j,
std::vector< bool > &  visited 

Definition at line 628 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RemoveFreeForce()

void ActorManager::RemoveFreeForce ( FreeForceID_t  id)

Definition at line 1649 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RemoveStreamSource()

void ActorManager::RemoveStreamSource ( int  sourceid)

Definition at line 342 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RepairActor()

void ActorManager::RepairActor ( Collisions collisions,
const Ogre::String &  inst,
const Ogre::String &  box,
bool  keepPosition = false 

Definition at line 826 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RestoreSavedState()

void ActorManager::RestoreSavedState ( ActorPtr  actor,
rapidjson::Value const &  j_entry 

Definition at line 783 of file Savegame.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SaveScene()

bool ActorManager::SaveScene ( Ogre::String  filename)

Definition at line 421 of file Savegame.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SendAllActorsSleeping()

void ActorManager::SendAllActorsSleeping ( )

Definition at line 795 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetSimulationPaused()

void RoR::ActorManager::SetSimulationPaused ( bool  v)

Definition at line 95 of file ActorManager.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetSimulationSpeed()

void RoR::ActorManager::SetSimulationSpeed ( float  speed)

Definition at line 92 of file ActorManager.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SetTrucksForcedAwake()

void RoR::ActorManager::SetTrucksForcedAwake ( bool  forced)

Definition at line 90 of file ActorManager.h.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SyncWithSimThread()

void ActorManager::SyncWithSimThread ( )

Definition at line 1238 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ UnmuteAllActors()

void ActorManager::UnmuteAllActors ( )

Definition at line 848 of file ActorManager.cpp.

◆ UpdateActors()

void ActorManager::UpdateActors ( ActorPtr  player_actor)

Definition at line 1030 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ UpdateInputEvents()

void ActorManager::UpdateInputEvents ( float  dt)

Definition at line 1354 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ UpdateNetTimeOffset()

void ActorManager::UpdateNetTimeOffset ( int  sourceid,
int  offset 

Definition at line 511 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ UpdatePhysicsSimulation()

void ActorManager::UpdatePhysicsSimulation ( )

Definition at line 1158 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ UpdateSleepingState()

void ActorManager::UpdateSleepingState ( ActorPtr  player_actor,
float  dt 

Definition at line 738 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ UpdateTruckFeatures()

void ActorManager::UpdateTruckFeatures ( ActorPtr  vehicle,
float  dt 

Definition at line 1444 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ WakeUpAllActors()

void ActorManager::WakeUpAllActors ( )

Definition at line 783 of file ActorManager.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation


const ActorPtr ActorManager::ACTORPTR_NULL

Definition at line 127 of file ActorManager.h.

◆ inter_actor_links

std::map<beam_t*, std::pair<ActorPtr, ActorPtr> > RoR::ActorManager::inter_actor_links

Definition at line 124 of file ActorManager.h.

◆ m_actors

ActorPtrVec RoR::ActorManager::m_actors

Definition at line 145 of file ActorManager.h.

◆ m_dt_remainder

float RoR::ActorManager::m_dt_remainder = 0.f

Keeps track of the rounding error in the time step calculation.

Definition at line 148 of file ActorManager.h.

◆ m_forced_awake

bool RoR::ActorManager::m_forced_awake = false

disables sleep counters

Definition at line 146 of file ActorManager.h.

◆ m_free_force_next_id

FreeForceID_t RoR::ActorManager::m_free_force_next_id = 0

Unique ID for each FreeForce.

Definition at line 155 of file ActorManager.h.

◆ m_free_forces

FreeForceVec_t RoR::ActorManager::m_free_forces

Global forces added ad-hoc by scripts.

Definition at line 154 of file ActorManager.h.

◆ m_inertia_config

RoR::CmdKeyInertiaConfig RoR::ActorManager::m_inertia_config

Definition at line 160 of file ActorManager.h.

◆ m_last_simulation_speed

float RoR::ActorManager::m_last_simulation_speed = 0.1f

previously used time ratio between real time (evt.timeSinceLastFrame) and physics time ('dt' used in calcPhysics)

Definition at line 150 of file ActorManager.h.

◆ m_net_timer

Ogre::Timer RoR::ActorManager::m_net_timer

Definition at line 142 of file ActorManager.h.

◆ m_physics_steps

int RoR::ActorManager::m_physics_steps = 0

Definition at line 147 of file ActorManager.h.

◆ m_sim_task

std::shared_ptr<Task> RoR::ActorManager::m_sim_task

Definition at line 159 of file ActorManager.h.

◆ m_sim_thread_pool

std::unique_ptr<ThreadPool> RoR::ActorManager::m_sim_thread_pool

Definition at line 158 of file ActorManager.h.

◆ m_simulation_paused

bool RoR::ActorManager::m_simulation_paused = false

Definition at line 152 of file ActorManager.h.

◆ m_simulation_speed

float RoR::ActorManager::m_simulation_speed = 1.f

slow motion < 1.0 < fast motion

Definition at line 149 of file ActorManager.h.

◆ m_simulation_time

float RoR::ActorManager::m_simulation_time = 0.f

Amount of time the physics simulation is going to be advanced.

Definition at line 151 of file ActorManager.h.

◆ m_stream_mismatches

std::map<int, std::set<int> > RoR::ActorManager::m_stream_mismatches

Networking: A set of streams without a corresponding actor in the actor-array for each stream source.

Definition at line 140 of file ActorManager.h.

◆ m_stream_time_offsets

std::map<int, int> RoR::ActorManager::m_stream_time_offsets

Networking: A network time offset for each stream source.

Definition at line 141 of file ActorManager.h.

◆ m_total_sim_time

float RoR::ActorManager::m_total_sim_time = 0.f

Definition at line 153 of file ActorManager.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: