Soft-body Physics Simulation
Go to the documentation of this file.
211 int flags, std::string
const& val)
213 CVar* cvar =
216 cvar =
new CVar(name, name, flags);
220 cvar =
new CVar(name, long_name, flags);
228 m_cvars.insert(std::make_pair(name, cvar));
254 CVarPtrMap::const_iterator itor =
288 return this->
cVarCreate(input_name, input_name, flags);
293 if (!Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr())
299 LogFormat(
"[RoR|CVar] %20s: \"%s\" (was: \"%s\")",
307 return ((
bool)val) ?
"Yes" :
315 return std::to_string((
319 return std::to_string(val);
Will not be written to RoR.log.
CVar * io_invert_orbitcam
CVar * diag_rig_log_node_import
CVar * sim_quickload_dialog
CVar * cli_force_cache_update
CVar * cVarGet(std::string const &input_name, int flags)
Get cvar by short/long name, or create new one using input as short name.
CVar * sim_replay_stepping
CVar * diag_warning_texture
CVar * gfx_speedo_imperial
CVar * mp_hide_net_labels
CVar * diag_preset_vehicle
CVar * cli_resume_autosave
CVar * app_skip_main_menu
CVar * diag_hide_broken_beams
CVar * sim_soft_reset_mode
CVar * gfx_fixed_cam_tracking
CVar * gfx_skidmarks_mode
CVar * cli_preset_vehicle
void cVarSetupBuiltins()
Create builtin vars and set defaults.
CVar * sim_live_repair_interval
Hold EV_COMMON_REPAIR_TRUCK to enter LiveRepair mode. 0 or negative interval disables.
Truck file format(technical spec)
CVar * diag_simple_materials
CVar * app_force_cache_update
CVar * mp_join_on_startup
CVar * gfx_particles_mode
CVar * gfx_flexbody_cache
CVar * gfx_enable_videocams
CVar * cVarFind(std::string const &input_name)
Find cvar by short/long name.
void LogFormat(const char *format,...)
Improved logging utility. Uses fixed 2Kb buffer.
CVar * gfx_enable_rtshaders
CVar * io_analog_sensitivity
void logUpdate(std::string const &new_val)
CVar * app_rendersys_override
CVar * ui_default_boat_dash
string; name of the '.dashboard' file in modcache.
CVar * gfx_fov_external_default
CVar * cVarCreate(std::string const &name, std::string const &long_name, int flags, std::string const &val=std::string())
Add CVar and parse default value if specified.
CVar * sim_no_self_collisions
CVar * ui_preset
enum RoR::UiPreset
CVar * gfx_static_cam_fov_exp
CVar * cli_preset_spawn_rot
CVar * diag_hide_beam_stress
CVar * app_disable_online_api
CVar * gfx_texture_filter
CVar * app_extra_mod_path
CVar * io_ffb_master_gain
Will be written to RoR.cfg.
std::string convertStr(float val)
CVar * diag_preset_spawn_rot
CVar * diag_hide_wheel_info
CVar * mp_cyclethru_net_actors
Include remote actors when cycling through with CTRL + [ and CTRL + ].
CVar * audio_enable_creak
CVar * sim_tuning_enabled
CVar * audio_master_volume
CVar * flexbody_defrag_enabled
CVar * gfx_window_videocams
CVar * gfx_alt_actor_materials
CVar * io_ffb_camera_gain
CVar * ui_default_truck_dash
string; name of the '.dashboard' file in modcache.
CVar * diag_log_beam_break
CVar * app_config_long_names
CVar * cVarSet(std::string const &input_name, std::string const &input_val)
Set existing cvar by short/long name. Return the modified cvar (or NULL if not found)
CVar * flexbody_defrag_prog_up_penalty
void cVarAssign(CVar *cvar, std::string const &value)
Parse value by cvar type.
CVar * io_arcade_controls
CVar * sys_thumbnails_dir
CVar * diag_log_beam_trigger
CVar * io_ffb_center_gain
CVar * mp_server_password
CVar * flexbody_defrag_reorder_indices
CVar * ui_show_live_repair_controls
CVar * diag_log_beam_deform
CVar * cli_custom_scripts
CVar * flexbody_defrag_reorder_texcoords
Central state/object manager and communications hub.
CVar * mp_hide_own_net_label
bool hasFlag(int f) const
CVarPtrMap m_cvars_longname
CVar * gfx_fov_internal_default
CVar * gfx_envmap_enabled
CVar * io_ffb_stress_gain
CVar * flexbody_defrag_invert_lookup
Quake-style console variable, defined in RoR.cfg or crated via Console UI and scripts.
CVar * diag_log_console_echo
CVar * cli_preset_terrain
CVar * diag_preset_spawn_pos
CVar * gfx_shadow_quality
CVar * io_input_grab_mode
CVar * sim_realistic_commands
CVar * io_blink_lock_range
CVar * ui_show_vehicle_buttons
CVar * gfx_sky_time_speed
CVar * app_screenshot_format
CVar * diag_preset_veh_config
CVar * app_recent_scripts
CVar * diag_auto_spawner_report
CVar * io_analog_smoothing
CVar * diag_rig_log_node_stats
CVar * cli_preset_spawn_pos
CVar * cli_preset_veh_config
CVar * diag_allow_window_resize
CVar * diag_preset_veh_enter
CVar * diag_preset_terrain
CVar * sim_terrain_gui_name
CVar * sys_screenshot_dir
CVar * gfx_vegetation_mode
CVar * flexbody_defrag_prog_down_penalty
CVar * app_custom_scripts
CVar * diag_terrn_log_roads
CVar * gfx_sky_time_cycle
CVar * gfx_reduce_shadows
CVar * app_force_cache_purge
CVar * flexbody_defrag_const_penalty
void setStr(std::string const &str)
CVar * gfx_surveymap_icons
CVar * sim_replay_enabled
CVar * ui_hide_gui
bool; The 'hide GUI' hotkey state
CVar * mp_pseudo_collisions
CVar * cli_preset_veh_enter