Soft-body Physics Simulation
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GUIUtils.h File Reference
#include "Application.h"
#include "GUIManager.h"
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Data Structures

struct  RoR::ImTextFeeder
 Helper for drawing multiline wrapped & colored text. More...




void RoR::LoadingIndicatorCircle (const char *label, const float indicator_radius, const ImVec4 &main_color, const ImVec4 &backdrop_color, const int circle_count, const float speed)
 Draws animated loading spinner. More...
void RoR::DrawImageRotated (ImTextureID tex_id, ImVec2 center, ImVec2 size, float angle)
 Add rotated textured quad to ImDrawList, source: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/1982#issuecomment-408834301. More...
ImVec2 RoR::DrawColorMarkedText (ImDrawList *drawlist, ImVec2 text_cursor, ImVec4 default_color, float override_alpha, float wrap_width, std::string const &line)
 Draw multiline text with '#rrggbb' color markers. Returns total text size. More...
std::string RoR::StripColorMarksFromText (std::string const &text)
void RoR::ImTextWrappedColorMarked (std::string const &text)
 Prints multiline text with '#rrggbb' color markers. Behaves like ImGui::Text* functions. More...
bool RoR::DrawGCheckbox (CVar *cvar, const char *label)
void RoR::DrawGIntCheck (CVar *cvar, const char *label)
void RoR::DrawGIntBox (CVar *cvar, const char *label)
void RoR::DrawGIntSlider (CVar *cvar, const char *label, int v_min, int v_max)
void RoR::DrawGFloatSlider (CVar *cvar, const char *label, float v_min, float v_max)
void RoR::DrawGFloatBox (CVar *cvar, const char *label)
void RoR::DrawGTextEdit (CVar *cvar, const char *label, Str< 1000 > &buf)
bool RoR::DrawGCombo (CVar *cvar, const char *label, const char *values)
Ogre::TexturePtr RoR::FetchIcon (const char *name)
ImDrawList * RoR::GetImDummyFullscreenWindow (const std::string &name="RoR_TransparentFullscreenWindow")
bool RoR::GetScreenPosFromWorldPos (Ogre::Vector3 const &world_pos, ImVec2 &out_screen)
void RoR::ImAddItemToComboboxString (std::string &target, std::string const &item)
void RoR::ImTerminateComboboxString (std::string &target)
void RoR::ImDrawEventHighlighted (events input_event)
bool RoR::ImDrawEventHighlightedButton (events input_event, bool *btn_hovered=nullptr, bool *btn_active=nullptr)
void RoR::ImDrawModifierKeyHighlighted (OIS::KeyCode key)
ImVec2 RoR::ImCalcEventHighlightedSize (events input_event)
bool RoR::ImButtonHoldToConfirm (const std::string &btn_idstr, const bool smallbutton, const float time_limit)
bool RoR::ImMoveTextInputCursorToEnd (const char *label)