Soft-body Physics Simulation
Data Structures | Functions
Hydrax::Noise Namespace Reference

Data Structures

class  FFT
 FFT noise module class. More...
class  Noise
 Base noise class, Override it for create different ways of create water noise. More...
class  Perlin
 Perlin noise module class. More...
class  PressurePoint
 A PressurePoint defined by the origen, pressure pulse, Maximum time of perturbation and wave longitude.
Pressure points can be used to add object falling at sea, or, adding sucessive point, to simulate ship Kelvin wakes. More...
class  Real
 This class is a sea elevation module that combines several effects:
Waves, defined by direction, amplitude, period and optionally, phase. Perlin noise, used to randomize the sea surface. Pressure points, used to create puntual waves. More...
class  Wave
 A wave defined by the direction, amplitude, period, and optionally phase. More...


float uniform_deviate ()

Function Documentation

◆ uniform_deviate()

float Hydrax::Noise::uniform_deviate ( )

Definition at line 32 of file FFT.cpp.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function: