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Soft-body Physics Simulation
This page is a reference guide to Rigs of Rods internal mechanics and features, as well as exposed interfaces such as scripting. The target audience is everyone interested in the workings of the software - from developers, maintainers and contributors to script writers and advanced content creators.
For reference manual, see module Script-side APIs.
Rigs of Rods supports scripting with AngelScript. All developers are invited to try archieve their goal via scripting if possible. This documentation intentionally displays the AngelScript interface alongside code to highlight that they match very closely and it's worthwile for the reader gain further insight into things and make/suggest enhancements.
Rigs of Rods is a monolithic C++ program with it's own main input/rendering loop. The entry point is a standard main() function which performs all initialization, message processing and cleanup.
Inputs are received via OIS library's listener mechanism. Class RoR::AppContext is the sole listener for all inputs and serves as a dispatcher between various subsystems. Gameplay inputs are defined by RoR::events and handled by RoR::InputEngine, which reads configuration files '*.map', the default being 'input.map'.
Graphical output is done via OGRE 3D rendering engine (not to be confused with game engine). Startup is done by RoR::AppContext::SetUpRendering(). Window events are handled by RoR::AppContext via OGRE's OgreBites::WindowEventListener. Note Ogre::FrameListener interface is not used, we roll our own rendering loop in main(). Rendering is configured by OGRE's own 'ogre.cfg' file.
Sound is done using OpenAL Soft library, managed by RoR::SoundManager. Individual sound effects are defined as 'sound scripts'. User creates soundscript files and RoR::SoundScriptManager parses them into individual objects RoR::SoundScriptTemplate (one per soundscript) and RoR::SoundScriptInstance (one per actor which uses it). Sound script 'trigger sources' are specified by RoR::SoundTriggers, 'pitch/gain sources' by RoR::ModulationSources. During simulation, sound script instances are updated using RoR::SoundScriptManager macros like SOUND_START(), SOUND_STOP() and SOUND_MODULATE().
All file manipulations are done using OGRE's resource system, which has many useful features:
Initial configuration is done by RoR::AppContext::SetUpProgramPaths() and RoR::AppContext::SetUpResourcesDir(). Reading and writing files is done mostly using Ogre::ResourceGroupManager().getSingleton().openResource()
, eventually using helper functions in PlatformUtils.h.
Uses custom RoRnet protocol, see RoRnet.h. Netcode uses blocking TCP sockets (via SocketW) and sender/receiver threads. To connect, use MSG_NET_CONNECT_REQUESTED, see RoR::Network::ConnectThread(). To disconnect, use MSG_NET_DISCONNECT_REQUESTED, see RoR::Network::Disconnect(). To interact, use App::GetNetwork()
Incoming data are received by RoR::Network::RecvThread(). Service commands are processed immediately, game updates (aka 'stream data') are placed in queue and dispatched by main(), look for Network::GetIncomingStreamData().
Outgoing data are queued by RoR::Network::AddPacket() and processed by RoR::Network::SendThread().
Server list is retrieved using cURL library, see FetchServerlist() in GUI_MultiplayerSelector.cpp.
Rigs of rods uses only minimum library/framework features (rendering, filesystem, audio, input - see 'application layer'). Most "game engine" subsystems are custom-implemented, see below.
A global message queue provides a simple and reliable method of announcing or requesting any change in the simulation. Messages are processed always on the main thread, one by one, so you cannot break the simulation state by doing something "at a wrong time". Message queue was added in 2020, unifying several pre-existing queues and event systems. Message queue lives in RoR::GameContext. To add message, call RoR::GameContext::PushMessage() (write: App::GetGameContext()->PushMessage()
). See RoR::MsgType for list of available messages. Currently, messages can be only submitted from code. In the future, it will be possible from scripting as well. Messages are processed exclusively in main(). In the future it will be possible to register for messages from scripting.
The console receives text messages from all areas of the game; see RoR::Console::MessageType and RoR::Console::MessageArea. To submit a message, call RoR::Console::putMessage() (write: App::GetConsole()->putMessage()
). This function is thread-safe. To view the messages in-game, use console window (GUI::ConsoleWindow) or on-screen chat display (GUI::GameChatBox). Both use GUI::ConsoleView to retrieve and filter the messages. All messages are also written to RoR.log.
Each command is a RoR::ConsoleCmd object. Built-in commands are defined in ConsoleCmd.cpp and registered with RoR::Console::RegBuiltinCommands(). Invoking a command is done through RoR::Console::DoCommand().
This concept is borrowed from Quake engine. CVars configure every aspect of the program; see source of RoR::Console::CVarSetupBuiltins() for complete listing and partial doc on github wiki . Cvars are stored in 'RoR.cfg' and loaded on startup by RoR::Console::LoadConfig(). Command-line arguments are also loaded as cvars, see RoR::Console::ProcessCommandLine().
A database of all user-made content (mods). This includes terrains, trucks (.truck/load/etc.., see fileformat truck) and skins. ModCache is maintained by object RoR::CacheSystem (use App::GetCacheSystem()
). The process of (re)building the database is called 'cache regen' or the like. It's done by RoR::CacheSystem::LoadModCache().
Mods are distributed in zip archives, traditionally with extensions .zip (terrain/truck/skin) or .skinzip (skin). Loading from directiories is also possible. These locations are reffered to as 'bundles'. Each bundle may contain several mods of mixed types. Bundles are shared between mods and loaded only once, each gets it's own OGRE resource group named "bundle $FULLPATH$". To load a bundle, use RoR::CacheSystem::LoadResource(), or helper RoR::CacheSystem::CheckResourceLoaded(). Mods are located under 'Documents\My Games\Rigs of Rods\mods', cached files are in 'Documents\My Games\Rigs of Rods\cache' (see cvar 'sys_cache_dir'). For each mod, a RoR::CacheEntry exists. To retrieve cache entries from modcache, use RoR::CacheSystem::Query() with RoR::CacheQuery, or RoR::CacheSystem::FindEntryByFilename(), or RoR::CacheSystem::FetchSkinByName().
Regular GUI is done using DearIMGUI library. The interface is RoR::GUIManager (use App::GetGuiManager()
). Individual panels are defined as classes in namespace RoR::GUI.
HUD is done using XML *.dashboard files referenced in truck files. For each spawned truck, an instance of RoR::DashBoardManager is created. It loads dashboard files and creates RoR::Dashboard objects. Display values are listed by RoR::DashData, names are assigned in RoR::DashBoardManager::DashBoardManager().
Airplanes and boats use custom code in RoR::OverlayWrapper and OGRE overlays. Not configurable at all. There used to be also truck dashboard which had tacho/speedo/help materials configurable in truckfile.
Rigs of Rods is a sandbox physics simulator with static terrain, scriptable events, free-moving player characters and deformable physics objects.
The main interface to gameplay logic is RoR::GameContext. It maintains the simulation state, loads/updates/unloads individual elements and resolves their interactions.
The primary interface to terrain is RoR::TerrainManager (use App::GetSimTerrain()
). To request (un)loading a terrain, use RoR::MsgType::MSG_SIM_LOAD_TERRN_REQUESTED and RoR::MsgType::MSG_SIM_UNLOAD_TERRN_REQUESTED. The central definiton fileformat for terrain is terrn2.
Terrains are generated from elevation maps (aka heightmaps). This is done by RoR::TerrainGeometryManager (use RoR::GetSimTerrain()->getGeometryManager()
) which relies on OgreTerrain to generate the geometry. Once generated, geometry is saved to cache folder (see ModCache). Related file format is OTC.
Managed by RoR::TerrainObjectManager (use RoR::GetSimTerrain()->getObjectManager()
). A terrain object is defined using ODEF file format. This format defines visual meshes, collision meshes or event boxes. You can add terrain objects dynamically using RoR::TerrainObjectManager::LoadTerrainObject() or define them in TOBJ file. Loading TOBJ files is done using TObjFileformat.h. For details visit RoR::TObjParser::ProcessCurrentLine()
Dynamically generated meshes based on TOBJ file. There is a dedicated keyword 'begin/end_procedural_road', but regular object lines with predefined names are also processed, see RoR::TObj::SpecialObject. Procedural objects are defined using RoR::ProceduralManager, the actual mesh generation is done by RoR::Road2.
Managed by RoR::ScriptEngine (use App::GetScriptEngine()
). Scripts can come from several sources:
Script functions are invoked in 3 ways:
A free-roaming, player-controlled object with (currently hardcoded) animated human model. See RoR::Character - does movement with it's own simplified physics. Graphics counterpart is RoR::GfxCharacter.
An actor is an instance of a 'truck' (see truck fileformat). It's represented by object of type RoR::Actor - does all simulation, audio and some graphics. Graphics counterpart is RoR::GfxActor.
Spawning an actor is the most complex thing in Rigs of Rods. You need to fill in RoR::ActorSpawnRequest and submit it via RoR::MSG_SIM_SPAWN_ACTOR_REQUESTED. All spawning in RoR is requested this way, with single (legacy) exception being script subsystem, see App::GameScript::spawnTruck(). The processing is done by RoR::GameContext::SpawnActor().
Physics run at dedicated thread, see RoR::GameContext::UpdateActors().
See RoR::node_t and RoR::beam_t. Processing in RoR::Actor::CalcNodes() and RoR::Actor::CalcBeams().
Handled by RoR::Collisions (use App::GetSimTerrain()->GetCollisions()
). Only node vs. static surface are supported. Surface properties are defined by RoR::ground_model_t. Nodes have no friction properties.
see RoR::Airfoil
Simplified, based on RoR::node_t::volume_coef. Calculated in RoR::primitiveCollision().
Graphics are (mostly, except old code) handled by dedicated objects: RoR::GfxScene, RoR::GfxActor and RoR::GfxCharacter. The goal is to completely decouple simulation code and graphics code; Simulation should run on it's own thread, asynchronously. For updating scene, all simulation data are copied to 'sim buffers', see RoR::GfxScene()::BufferSimulationData(), the buffers are: RoR::GfxScene::SimBuffer, RoR::GfxActor::SimBuffer, RoR::GfxCharacter::SimBuffer. While simulation resumes, scene updates (often CPU heavy) are done.
Represented by RoR::GfxActor. The goal is to create it after RoR::Actor, using simbuffers as much as possible. Currently though, it's done at the same time. See RoR::ActorSpawner::CreateGfxActor() and RoR::GfxActor::FinalizeGfxSetup().
CPU-based deforming meshes. Managed by RoR::FlexFactory. On each frame, they read associated node positons from simbuffer and generate deformed mesh which is uploaded to graphics card. It's a FPS-heavy process. There are 3 flavors:
Drawn using DearIMGUI, doesn't use SimBuffer yet, see RoR::GfxActor::UpdateDebugView(). Types: RoR::GfxActor::DebugViewType.
Rigs of Rods is a free/libre soft-body physics simulator mainly targeted at simulating vehicle physics. The soft-body physics system is based on mass-spring-damper theory.
Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Pierre-Michel Ricordel
Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Thomas Fischer Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Thomas Fischer Copyright (c) 2009-2022 Rigs of Rods ContributorsRigs of Rods went open source under GPLv2 or later on the 8th of February, 2009.
Rigs of Rods is now licensed under GPLv3 or later:
Rigs of Rods is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Rigs of Rods is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Rigs of Rods. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.